Hi! I've been monitoring my dendrobium hollywood very closely, since I noticed 3 new growths (2 canes and maybe 1 root or cane) at the very base. Today, I just saw this at the very top of the active cane. Is it a keiki? If so, what do I do with it? If roots grow, how do I water it since it's so high up?
Hard to tell yet. It could be a bud spike so you'll just have to wait. If it is a keiki it will put out roots that can just be misted lightly until they are a couple inches long then remove the keiki and pot up. Keikis live off the mother plant so you don't really have to worry. I have a Phal equestris that has two keikis growing and they each have roots and a bud spike. I'll eventually get around to removing them and giving them a new home. For now I'll enjoy them blooming in a couple weeks.
Yup, it's too early to tell for now. But like Lorraine says, if it's a keiki it really doesn't need much care other than the occasional misting.
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That would be great if it is a bloom spike! It bloomed in September off the top where it's cut in the photo. I didn't know that it could bloom twice off the same cane. I thought I'd have to wait at least a year to see flowers again. If it's a keiki, it's still wonderful as I'll have a 3rd one. If I want to grow it semi-hydroponically, what point would I have to remove it so it can adjust to the medium?