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02-25-2011, 06:54 AM
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I fear rejection in groups. I'm always seem to be the one sitting by himself whatever I do or go. I don't want to join another group to sit by myself ya know.
O.C.D. "Orchid Collecting Dysfunction"

02-25-2011, 08:05 AM
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Heh, I'm also pretty damn useless around people sometimes. But I found a lot of the EPOS crowd made a point of coming over and introducing themselves to the Noob, which was awesome!
Think about this: Those guys are probably even more nuts about orchids that you are. And then you'll have someone else to talk about plants with and not bore your non-orchid-fan friends about your latest plant/bud/flower/root/thing you saw on the 'net.
It's like an enabling version of AA for orchid fans, really  Go for it!

02-25-2011, 08:44 AM
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you know, I go to groups to learn things. So I'm scribbling down stuff in my spiral or whatever. Sometimes I meet people, sometimes I don't. My goal is to learn something, see if there is anything I can do to help, & (in the unlikely event) if I know something--share the info. I'm the one at the back taking notes. I have noticed that plant people are very friendly & willing to share their knowledge.
Personally, I would love to sit next to you so that I could learn about Paphs.

02-25-2011, 08:48 AM
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you cracked me up with the AA analogy--I spewed coffee over the computer screen. You're absolutely right, though.
I was telling a friend that I was so surprised that the Kroger (grocery srore) in a town close to Dallas was selling Cymbidiums at a pretty good price (I got half-off as the flowers were drooping & falling off.). He made some sarcastic remark about driving there --it's 4 hours away. he's not an orchid fan.

02-25-2011, 11:59 PM
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You know what they say about financial investment: diversification. Consider an OS membership like one ray of diversification in your orchid community. OB is one place, shows a second, OS a third. None of them has all the answers, but together you get a more balanced view. Take what you like, omit the rest.
In "my" club, members bring in plants to show. This is possibly the best part of it. I get to see odd duck plants, and people can tell you how to grow them. On the other hand, a lot is made of AOS awards and points and rankings and competitions. Couldn't care less about it, so I ignore it. No need to spoil other peoples interests, so I'm just quiet about those areas. Then there's the local knowledge, about supplies, about what grows and what does not, who has tried this or that.
I am also selective about which meetings I go to, and that depends on the speaker as well. There are some must-see presentations, and some to which I only go if there is nothing better going on. Membership is not an obligation, but an opportunity.

02-26-2011, 07:01 AM
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Originally Posted by RJSquirrel
I fear rejection in groups. I'm always seem to be the one sitting by himself whatever I do or go. I don't want to join another group to sit by myself ya know.
I have this fear and it's the reason I've not plucked up courage to go to an OS yet. I'm really quite shy in Real Life (you might not believe it from how active I am online)
Having said that I've done better in new situations recently by 'pushing myself forward'. If no one talks to me I take a deep breath, pick someone and go and talk to them. It takes a lot of courage for me, but I make myself do it. In one group I've been told by the leader that he's heard comments about how friendly and welcoming I am to everyone else... when really it's just me trying to overcome my shyness and make sure I'm not stuck not knowing anyone.
One thing I found in that group which can apply elsewhere is to volunteer for the washing or drying up at the end. They serve coffee and biscuits, and chatting over the washing up at the end was a really relaxed way to get to know folks (plus they get a good impression of someone who helps). Of course you also get a name for being a volunteer... I don't help with the washing up anymore because somehow I ended up being the main person for several other jobs every meeting that needed a volunteer
Of course having said that, I've still not plucked up the courage for my local OS. Still on my plans for 'one day'.

02-26-2011, 11:56 AM
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I second everything that you say, RosieC! I've never been outgoing, or good in group situations either. But in the last year or so I've really been trying to change that. I find that a smile and a friendly "hello" work miracles. And I think that a group of orchid growers would be especially welcoming.  I'm still uneasy and unsure of myself when I face a group of strangers, but I've actually had people comment on how confident and friendly I seem (little do they know the truth!!!)
I recently moved to St. Louis and I don't really know anyone here, so that's another reason I'm planning on joining my local orchid society - hoping to meet some new friends. And if they can teach me things about growing orchids, then so much the better! But the group here only meets once a month, and so far my timing has been really bad: I always seem to be traveling and I miss the meetings! (at least since catching the orchid bug a few months ago).
But I definitely plan on attending meetings eventually, and I do hope to join. If people are as friendly and helpful in person as they are on this Board then I can't imagine any reason not to join 

02-26-2011, 12:23 PM
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start by talking about something you both enjoy ORCHIDS! i was shy at the first meeting, especially being the youngest person by about 15 years. orchid people also tend to be very welcoming and friendly

02-27-2011, 08:53 AM
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RJ, I agree with Bob: orchid people are very welcoming and friendly. Society members are usually so happy to see someone new interested in what they love and share their love of orchids. Especially the older members.
You don't have to join right away and many clubs emphasize their meetings as being free and open to the public. Go to a meeting or two and see how it is. Usually one or two of the officers speak for a few minutes at the beginning of the meeting: now you've identified at least a couple of people who are more than happy to talk to you. And, realize, that how you perceive someone on first meeting or two can radically change once you get to know them. I know that's happened to me on more than one occasion.
One benefit of joining an orchid society is that you get free admission to its annual orchid show. Two or three day passes usually equal the cost of membership. Another benefit as a new member can be you get first pick of the plants that are part of the free monthly raffle.
Volunteering at orchid shows is another great way to learn about orchids, especially ones you may not currently grow as well as meeting new people and making acquaintances or even new friends. You will usually see some of the same friendly faces if your area has different societies with their own shows.
As you probably can tell, I really enjoy going to OS meetings and volunteering. I've recently joined a second group (during their show) and will most likely join a third. The Boston area is lucky to have several in an hour or so radius.
So RJ and Rosie, please seriously consider at least going to a meeting or two (or three) to see what it is all about. You both have considerable knowledge to help out newbies and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Oh did I mention that in addition to the free monthly raffles, typically speakers will bring orchids for sale?
Last edited by rangiku; 02-27-2011 at 08:55 AM..

02-27-2011, 09:42 PM
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I joined just as I was starting to grow orchids two years ago, and it has been great. Our monthly meetings are on Sunday afternoons and I've only missed a few- been away or had to work. We've just finished our annual show, at which I won a blue, 2 reds and 4 yellow ribbons! I was encouraged to show by my friends in the club.
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