i think i have a dendrombium orchid but im not sure, i have had several paphiopedilum orchids in the past and they bloomed just fine but i have had this dend for over a year almost and i cant seem to get it to bloom. I bought it at lowes last year off the Clerenced rack

and i brought it home with me, it had no flower's on it then and still dosen't i would love to know how to get it to bloom so i can see what color the flowers are, i have been watering it every 10 to 14 day so i dont over water it. and Im scared to re plant it because last time i replanted one in a bigger pot it died but i think it was dieing before i re planted it cause it only had a few silver/green roots left cause it came from walmart and was soaked in water when i bought it i tried to dry it out before i replanted it but i guess it's time was up! So im really trying to avoid replanting this one cause i want to keep it a long time!! i will also attach some pictures below to show what it looks like.
again | Flickr - Photo Sharing!Dend Orchid | Flickr - Photo Sharing! cut off stem | Flickr - Photo Sharing! roots after watering | Flickr - Photo Sharing! DSCN0444 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
I also have some all purpose plant food that is 6-10-10 i was putting on my old orchids before they died but i didn't know if i could put it on this one as well cause i didnt know if that is what killed my old one please help me out.
plant food 6-10-10 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!