Hi everyone! Just joined the Board a week ago, and (sigh) I have SO MUCH to learn. I am attaching 3 pics of my new Phal that I bought from a chain store. **Must give an update... I was the person trying to save my deceased mother's orchids. Two more died, leaving just one more Orchid left, which is in my father's care. I'll try to get that a.s.a.p.
So here's my story: When I bought the plant, it was packed tightly in spagnum moss which was sopping wet. I immediately removed the moss from around the roots, however when I bought the Orchid, it was before I started doing ANY research so I am sure that everything I did was wrong and I am probably killing the poor plant.
I put it in a generic "Orchid potting mix" and did water it, but I let all the water run out completely. I set it above a tray of gravel w/ water (you'll see the rack I have above the gravel so that the pot doesn't sit on it). I have a ceiling fan going lightly in the room.
Here are my concerns: The roots, in my opinion look and feel terrible. There are only a couple of them that are exposed to the air. There were more of them, but they were so papery thin and wrinkled and brown that I trimmed them off. I left only the fatter, "healthier" ones. But there is only a couple left. Also, is the plant in too big of a pot? The pot is plastic with a LOT of holes in the bottom. I'm just worried that it's not going to make it, based on all the pictures that I'm seeing of your plants... the roots are so lucious and thick with the green tips. Mine aren't remotely like that.
I don't know what the heck I'm doing! I live in Rochester, NY and we have both Gardenscape coming up in a few weeks, plus the Genesee County Orchid Show in April. I am sure that I can get healthier plants at these two venues. Any advice for someone that is probably doing more harm than good for her Orchid? Thank you so much! (I have another picture of just the leaves, but was having trouble attaching that to my post, so I'll have to do it in a second post. Sorry about that.)