I'm new to orchids but I'd like to get more. My husband bought me a phal last year and if I can successfully care for this one I may expand. I received it in bloom probably close to a year ago and after the blooms faded I trimed back the spike and tried to learn as much as I could to take care of it. It has finally started growing a new flower spike, but I just noticed that there is also a second spike growing. Should I allow both of them to grow or should I trim one back to allow the other to grow stronger? Sorry to ask, but in all my research I've failed to find the answer to this question. Thanks for all your help!
Sounds like you're doing a good job with it if you've managed to keep it a year and rebloom it. As for the spikes, think of it this way; if your plant did not have the energy to grow 2 of them, then it wouldn't have. In 3 month or so (this is an average, could be more or less) you'll get to enjoy two spikes full if blooms!
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
I agree with Camille. If your plant is sick and not doing well, then you might want to keep it from blooming to conserve its energy. But if it's healthy and happy - let it reward you for your love and care with all it has got!
No reason it wouldn't bloom. If you keep the plant by a window, rotate the plant a quarter turn every week to keep the spike growing straight. Once the buds appear it's better to avoid turning it anymore or else the buds will open facing different directions.
Good idea to get more orchids, it's a long time to wait for this one to bloom!
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
LOL Camille I think you're on to something - I agree, you should get more since spikes can take a long time to form, why wait?!
When phals are well grown and are mature they will throw out multiple spikes. Species are know to do this.
I've got a hybird phal that just started 2 new spikes, it still growing and flowering from the spikes from last spring. Aslong as it stays healthy, then there is no reason to cut any.
Just enjoy the show & Welcome to the forum