I have attached some photos of my remaining 3 Phals that I am throwing out today. My favourite one is in bloom and has 3 branches of buds so it kills me to toss it, but I have decided, its never going to recover. The other two have well developed bloom spikes with buds that will open soon. Ironically these plants are robust growers that bloom reliably and their pots are full of healthy roots. Even the flowers look fine and un-marked, but every Phal that has come near them ends up the same. To me the symptoms look the same as the ones Zoey posted. It is not caused from cold water. I use room temp water and have tried two different sources. They were getting tap water, but have since switched to rain water last summer. Also, all my other Phals get watered at the same time and from the same water source and it only affects the Phals on the one table soon after they have moved there. They get the same temps and conditions as any other Phals.
I hope Zoey doesn't have this, but still think she should isolate them ASAP or throw them out as I am doing today.
A couple of the leaves in the photos are rather dusty but I didn't want to wipe them and risk spreading any organisms in the air or elsewhere since they are headed for the garbage anyways. I also added a photo of the one that has some flowers open. A mini phal called Abundance, which always has blooms in great abundance! I will try and replace that one. I've consoled myself by ordering more orchids to be picked up at a show in Edmonton that I am going to in a few weeks