I found an
awesome yellow and red phal on clearance for 7 dollars. What a deal! Turns out it has 2 base plants in the pot and has FIVE bloom spikes! I think it is totally awesome. All that was wrong was the outer clay pot was cracked.
Okay, to the point- It has buds all over it. There is one in particular that is about an inch in diameter, maybe a little smaller, but it looks like its about to explode. How can I speed this up?! One bloom spike is in full bloom, it is the other 4 that havn't done anything yet. (I've only had this particular plant for 2 weeks, give or take) I water it when it needs it, and sometimes I put it in a south facing window for a hour or so to give it a little extra light since its winter. I am just anxious to see it open.