Originally Posted by DendrobiumFan
I am using tap water which is city source. It has been tested and seems to be pretty good. i've used tap water on all my orchids, including masdevalias and draculas. All seem fine. I live in NJ and the weather here is currently very cold and gloomy. The plants are indoors near a window with an additional light source. Too dry in terms of humidity is possible, but would be somewhat difficult to correct. I've read conflicting things about watering and temps. Any input?
What are the numerical values (along with unit of measurement) for the temperatures they are currently under?
What are the numerical values (along with the unit of measurement) of the temperatures recommended to you?
Numerical values for the humidity?
Is it not a viable solution to raise humidity via a humidifier, or a couple of humidifiers? They can be relatively inexpensive and can start as low as $25 each.
Some species of plants are more sensitive to dissolved minerals in the water than others.
What has the water been tested for?
What is that additional light source? Power compacts? Halides? Halogens? Standard florescents? T5's? Incandescents? LED's?
If you have a light meter - what are the numerical values with the unit of measurement for the amount of light the plant receives?
Any pics of the plant?