a friend gave me two phals that are almost "over the hill" -- but I want to see if I can revive them.
Neither have leaves, but both have approx. 8" stems that are still green, and one has a flower bud even. I assume that I should at least remove the flower bud, as it is taking the last bit of "energy" from the plant? There are still green roots. HELP me help these poor plants!
Rescuing a phal withough leaves is going to be very difficult, but folks here have done it before.
I would cut off all the spikes down to close to the base. Pot in the smallest pot the roots will fit into. Then just keep caring for the roots as you would usually do.
If you are lucky a basel keiki will start which will grow and replace the original plant.
It's a long shot though, generally they will just die at this point and personally I would throw it away once it was just roots.