I found this phal at the nursery, and it looked sad at first, after a week of sitting in my grandmothers bathroom (dont know why it got left there) the leaves on one side are turning yellow. Posting pics below for examination. Need any advice you can give Please and Thank You in advance
Well it got left in that bathroom so I would not think much light at all. However, it has only been in the bathroom for a week. So it shouldnt be showing that much damage from no sun that soon right? When I brought it home, the leaves were green and had that spotting on it but I didnt think much of it, I thought half price alright! But now the leaves are yellow. It might have gotten 50 in that bathroom, but no lower.
50 degrees shouldn't be that big of a deal and if it hasn't been in direct sunlight, the roots are good and I'm sure you checked for pests...I'm clueless.
Hopefully someone else will respond with a better idea.
The leaves on the other side of the plant don't look dehydrated, so sunburn and cold are the two most likely causes. I've got a several phals that just got exposed to 37 overnight. Two of them looks almost identical. Even though the whole plant was under cover (in my case), one side must have gotten just a little cooler. The good news is that with a healthy root system and a couple of good leaves, your plant will probably recover - it will just be a bit lopsided for a while.
Thanks guys! I am debating on if I should return it or keep it and try to nurse it back to health. The lady didnt want to sell it to me, but I insisted bc it was so cheap. Its going to look very funny with only half of its leaves. Hmmm...