'Izumi' and 'Crowhurst' with yellow and wrinkled pseudobulbs
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'Izumi' and 'Crowhurst' with yellow and wrinkled pseudobulbs
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Old 01-13-2011, 04:57 AM
HeatherFeather HeatherFeather is offline
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'Izumi' and 'Crowhurst' with yellow and wrinkled pseudobulbs Female

Thanks for the info Philip. I know the area doesn't get the best light, it seems to be enough for my paphs and phals which both have new growth and great roots...no blooms though. Actually none of my plants have bloomed yet since I've had them.
And the light in my bathroom is better than anywhere else in my house. I try to leave the garden tub lights on overhead for 12 hr a day. I've been looking at some growlights, but not sure I want them over my tub. I would love to build a greenhouse, but that's time and money that I don't have so my bathroom is the closest I can get to one right now!

As an update, I repotted both oncs in the same net pot with a fine bark mix, and added some space with river rock at the bottom and set the net pot into a clay pot hoping it would help retain the moisture. I also starting fertilizing weakly weekly with 10-30-10. Just got some superthrive to start next week hoping to help generate some root growth, since I hardly have roots on both plants. I've attached a few photos of what they look like 2 weeks later.

I think there is some new growth on one? (Picture 4, at the base of the pbulb in front of the tag.) I tried to get a close up in picture 5...

The pbulbs in the last pic appears to be rotting...not sure what to do with it...

Bad news is the pbulbs that I think are rotting are in the same pot as the one with new growth. Same plant, separate pbulbs...that's how they came so I potted them together again... (before it started to look like it was rotting obviously...)
Attached Thumbnails
'Izumi' and 'Crowhurst' with yellow and wrinkled pseudobulbs-orchid1-jpg   'Izumi' and 'Crowhurst' with yellow and wrinkled pseudobulbs-orchid2-jpg   'Izumi' and 'Crowhurst' with yellow and wrinkled pseudobulbs-orchid3-jpg   'Izumi' and 'Crowhurst' with yellow and wrinkled pseudobulbs-orchid4-jpg   'Izumi' and 'Crowhurst' with yellow and wrinkled pseudobulbs-orchid5-jpg  

'Izumi' and 'Crowhurst' with yellow and wrinkled pseudobulbs-orchid6-jpg   'Izumi' and 'Crowhurst' with yellow and wrinkled pseudobulbs-orchid8-jpg  
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Old 01-13-2011, 07:28 PM
King_of_orchid_growing:)'s Avatar
King_of_orchid_growing:) King_of_orchid_growing:) is offline
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Can't compare your Oncs with your Phals and Paphs in terms of lighting.

Even different species within the same genera will have different lighting requirements.

Not all orchids grow the same way. It's best to keep this in mind and remember it for as long as you grow orchids. The moment you assume they all have the same requirements, you've already lost the battle even before you started!

I can give you numerous examples...

Phalaenopsis maculata can be seen growing in shady and humid low to midland Asian tropical rainforests on trees or on limestone rocks.

Phalaenopsis appendiculata is a twig epiphyte that occurs grows in shady and humid tropical lowland or coastal rainforests. Unlike most of the other species of Phalaenopsis, this one resents being disturbed, doesn't like too much variation in temperature between night and day, nor a whole lot of seasonal temperature differences, and is the wettest growing Phal of them all.

Phalaenopsis bellina grows mostly in shady low to midland tropical swamp forests.

Phalaenopsis wilsonii grows in subtropical forests on trees or rocks with distinct seasonal patterns and can go leafless.

Even amongst Paphs, there are some Paphs that grow as epiphytes on trees such as Paphiopedilum villosum.

Then there are those that grow on limestone outcrops like Paph armeniacum and Paph micranthum.

There are other Paphs that grow in topsoil.

Still other Paphs grow in rotting wood.

Some Paphs even grow brighter than other Paphs.

Oncs are very diverse too.

Some Oncs grow cool. Some Oncs grow intermediate. Some Oncs grow warm.

Certain Oncs grow in shade. Other Oncs grow in moderately bright indirect light.

It's not possible to assume, "I've got the Phal and Paph growing fine in shade, so the Onc intergenerics should be fine too."

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 01-13-2011 at 07:41 PM..
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Old 01-13-2011, 07:38 PM
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King_of_orchid_growing:) King_of_orchid_growing:) is offline
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I noticed the rotting pseudobulb(s). When this happens, it's best to separate the non-affected plants from the affected ones.

It is also best to remove the infected pseudobulb(s) asap.

However, since the roots are nearly gone, I'd chuck this up to experience.

As far as lighting is concerned, you may need to buy a small power compact or halide lamp from a tropical aquarium store.

Or if you, or your boyfriend, or friend, or one of your roommates, or husband is a do-it-yourselfer, go to the Home Depot and make your own power compact florescent light fixture.

Just buy a PC bulb that is made for growing aquatic plants. This is very involved, so when you're ready, just post a thread and ask away.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 01-13-2011 at 07:40 PM..
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izumi, leaves, phal, pseudobulbs, yellow, wrinkled, crowhurst

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