Hi, My cattleya was showing 2 leaves that were wrinkled. I assumed it was either not enough water by me or not enough water due to root rot. I decided to see what the roots look like and it doesn't look good to me.

Could I get some opinions what this is and how to help it if at all? There seems to be a few good roots on the other side of where it doesn't look good. My thought is that this plant when put in a pot, is at an angle. I think the part that looks like it has root rot was possibly under the medium and kept getting drenched. I just put it in to some new medium that I bought from Repotme and tried to keep the whole rhizosome (?) straight. Very hard. Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, if this is root rot, should I do anything else to the very thin roots I see, or are they dead too? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.