Originally Posted by sithwitch
Thank you both! I'll flush the pot carefully and start as normal after. This is my first cymbidium (and probably the only unless I can find myself some ultra-minis) and I really want to take good care of it.
I went all out in a show in October and got so many new species I am making my head spin with all the care instructions. It's fun though 
KEEP FERTILIZING! Even if there are pellets on the top of the mix, an additional, dilute, weakly/weekly water dissolved formula will not hurt a cym. Just do not over water! If you are using slow release pellets, use a balanced formula as directed starting now.
Many people make the mistake of not fertilizing when a Cymbidioum is in bloom, absolutely the wrong thing to do. this is the time the new bulbs are forming and sending up growths. They need all the energy they can get to get a head start on forming a big fat bulb which will then be able to send out a big fat spike.
The emerging spikes need their strength in June and July when they start to form with the change of fertilizer. All the flowers need is water as they open.
Good Luck,