One more plant with big issues.
This is my very first Phal. it was a birthday gift and I want to do what I can to save it because of the sentimental reasons and because I couldn't throw out any green thing without trying something.
Once I received it and started reading on the plants, I peeked into the clear plastic pot to see what looked like severe over watering damage to roots.
In haste (maybe, maybe not) I replaced the medium, snipped off a lot of blackened, pinched squishy roots and not much was left.

The plant has continued to show signs of decline, unsurprisingly.
I read the wonderful article on spag and bag and wonder if I should? Though I am limited on supplies and have no hormone. I am going to "bag" it unless someone who knows thinks its a bad idea.
Question? what is your judgement on the pics? Is this the sort of plant one might bag?
Can I use listerine as a pre-bag dip for the roots? Is that the right thing?
I have sheet moss handy not shpag, are they not the same?? I have no idea if they are as I am totally new to these plants.
I just want to do all I reasonably can to try to save this, I have a nice clean bag, listerine, peroxide and or alcohol, clean tools, bark- will get sphag if needed---- and a lot of willingness.
Comments, experience appreciated.
-Karen aka bday_phal