Hi everyone!
I'm new to the OB...well new to it all actually. I've always loved orchids and had them all around my home and office but never been able to keep them well for long. My birthday came in Oct and my wonderful husband got me the Orchid of the Month club from somewhere in Hawaii....A wonderful gift! One that I'd like not to kill as my thanks! therefore I need to learn as fast as possible! So here's my situation:
I have three Phals from Home Depot that I had in the house before my birthday...they kept their blooms for a couple months and seemed fine. After they all dropped I gave it a couple months to make sure they weren't planning on blooming again and when they didn't I cut my flower spikes all the way down (was that a mistake?) After cutting the spikes back I found a hydroponic site and decided to give that a try since I kept having terrible gnat problems around my orchids. I soaked the Leca pebbles overnight in tap water and a capful of KLN and repotted all three Phals in the morning. All of them had alot of root rot, which I've heard is common in Home Depot orchids and their subpar potting material. Phal one is doing fine, it got to keep three or four healthy roots...no new growth but it's still stable and happy.
The second, which had begun to grow a new leaf, however lost all roots but one...I hope I wasn't too mean to it but there were just no non-mushy, lifeless roots to save! I repotted it in the leca fairly deep to help stablize it...a couple days after repotting, it started drooping all of it's leaves and looking really sad. The hydrophonics guy told me to let it dry out and be stingy with the watering. It's been about three weeks now and I still have droppy leaves so I pulled him out of the pot (I know I shouldn't have I just couldn't help it...I needed to see if he had any new roots coming along)...none of course and I noticed that it had white fluffy mold like spots on the base of it and the roots. Can I save him???
The third one was actually growing a little keiki at the base of it, right next to the old spike. So I cut the spike all the way back to give him some room to grow....in repotting, he got to keep two heathy roots but almost instantly (the next day) my new keiki was looking disappointed...starting to get wrinkly AND growing that same mold looking stuff. I gave it a week and he just kept getting worse and eventually shriveled up...Is he gone? Where did I go wrong?
To top it off I have two new orchids from my "of the month" club and I don't know what to do with them. One, a dendrobium, is looking alright...fully bloomed and semi healthy but one of the flower spikes (or bulbs, not sure what it's called on a dendrobium) lost a couple leaves, they turned yellow and I pulled them off. Should I have done that? Should I use the Leca when it comes time to repot these, or is that causing my problems?
Please help, I don't want to kill my beautiful birthday presents!!! I would love to have a home full of healthy happy orchids that keep reblooming year after year!
I live in the midwest so huge temperature swing but the house is fairly stable in temp. Not much humidity though.
They get lots of indirect light because we have wall to wall windows.
I water with tap water.
I talk to them all the time

(some people say it helps!!!) I even named them!