i kind of mix in with different answers from everyone.
it started with big box big phals. i dont really enjoy the big dinner plate phals. right after i got out of that "stage" i got into experimenting with different things, and i would buy cheap noids to experiment wit. most of my 4experiments turned out successfull, so i have a bunch of noids hanging around. now im more selective
1- Price, if i cant afford it, i cant get it ( of course, there are exceptions

) and i hate shipping that is more than the plant. right now, i am a cheapy, b/c i dont have much money.
2- do i even like the stinking orchid?? i havent tried enough things so far to find out wat does terribly for me and what i really like. ive tried a bunch, but not eough. and so far, nothing has really done bad for me, so its tough. but im getting into masdies alot, and i like catts as well. i like novelty phals. i have some that are definitely not my favorites, but they just do stinking well ( 5th spike this year for a den )
3- does it have a name? i have too many noids and its a pain for shows and my own database. no name, no buy. exceptions?- of course! rarely though
4- size. i grow under lights so it has to fit under them. it cant be anything too tall. or wide. and it cant have super high light requirements.
5- blooming season. this ties into number 4. it its something tall or something that needs to be 3 inches away from the tubes, it will have to be summer bloming so it can even have room to bloom. because i grow outside i have room for big blooms in summer, but in winter its tight
6- im willing to try new things as well. such as OB projects, without them id be stuck in phal-world!
what a great thread this is!