Help with this Orchid.
I picked up this Orchid yesterday, it looks quite sickly and it cost be only $20 hahaha!! But viewing the dead flower that was left on it, I seen what to me was one of the most beautiful Orchid flowers I seen yet, so with a 90 day return policy I decided to give it a shot and see what I can do for it, at first glance I thought Cattleya, but another plant identical to it, but with no flowers had a ID tag and it said RUBESCENCE X CIRCLE OF LIFE.
I got pics of course, but not so great cus my camera died and I had to use my webcam for the pics, the leafs as you see are bad, but there was a few good ones in there and I am not sure if its cus they froze or dried out, the roots were not to bad, some were rotted, but I would say there is still a lot of hope for it, I am open to suggestions on getting this guy on the right track to recovery and very hopefully flowers again, I want to see those beauties healthy next time.