Thank you, all! I just got my new clear pot and bark mix and repotted my plants. The old moss was really hard to take off. I was afraid to break the roots and saw on the website that if I'm transfering from moss to bark, I should use 50% and 50% instead of change all at once, so I just loosened the moss a bit and added bark on the side. I hope the roots now wrapped around the moss will grow to the extended room and will be accustomed to the new environment soon. I'm hoping to change to all bark after a month or so.
As of fertilizer, I'll just use homemade organic stuff such as eggshell, leftover tea and milk carton and see how it goes. =)

(I'll put on the clear outer pots after they dry up a little!)
I'll report back once they re-bloom! I hope they do!