So this is a funny story.
I was at my best friends house for a movie party last night and her mom has Orchids and I haven't had a Dendrobium before so I took off a piece with two older stalks and a new growth and lots of healthy roots. So will this new growth continue to grow? It came off the half of the plant that was just old canes and no leaves. Then, she also had one which looked like a Miltonia it has new growth, leaves, good roots, but the p-bulbs are severly wrinkly I am almost a hundred percent this one will grow because it has everything. Am I correct? Any help is greatly appreciated! I am in the process of putting pics up. They don't want to upload and I am getting real mad! Does anyone know whats going on?
P.S. Don't tell the mom I stole some of her Orchids! LOL
(Funny story right?) LOL