I haven't been on in a while I have been reading the posts and have a couple of questions, if someone would be so kind to help me with? Firstly this is my first year of trying to grow a spike (got a keiki, so far)rofl. I have been reading that now is a good time (if there is any) to cool my phals down to initiate a spike. I am in ontario, canada and it has been the hottest summer ever here. Today it only got to 15 celcuis..so our autumn is on it's way. Is it too early? Second ? is some of my phals lost roots on re-pot and i will not try with them, but i have some that i only cut their spikes 2 mos or more ago with them...should i try with them or wait a year? All of my phals grew roots and leaves over the summer. I also have a phal that had 2 spikes and only 1 had any flowers on it..they are both still grn....should i leave both til they turn brown, because i have no idea if the flowers had already fallen off the one, or will it stress the plant too much? This phal has has flowers on 1 spike since i got it in june. There's a pic of it in my gallery the orange one. Sorry for this long post...lastly is there a certain period of time you should wait before trying to grow a spike?