2 Rescue Mini Phals - No Roots & a light question
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Old 09-05-2010, 08:53 PM
FlyingBrunswick FlyingBrunswick is offline

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Default UPDATE & Ques. :: 2 Rescue Mini Phals


I've just recently been bitten by the orchid bug - and boy am I a goner…. already planning the greenhouse!

Yesterday I came across the clearance rack in Lowes and fell for 2 sorry NOID mini Phals. I knew they were fairly bad off but decided to see what I could do! The better looking little guy has no roots at all and the one that looked just awful actually has 2 fresh1/4", one 3/4", and one 1" root. The one with no roots has a fresh leaf about 3" long that is sturdy and green, and the one with roots has all wilted leaves.

I've taken these two and put them into a soda bottle with a few holes in it with moist (distilled water) sphag and they are sitting on a seedling heat mat.

So my questions are - should I be using rooting hormone on them? How much light should they be getting, and when will I have an idea if I am helping them? What are the odds these will make it? For $2, I figured why not try to save the cute little things. :-)

My other questions are about lighting in general. I have all of my orchids on an East facing window, however, due to trees about 15' away the window receives about 4 hours or heavily dappled sunlight a day. I have added 3 CFL pendant lights to the window with bulbs rated at 6500K and 1350 lumens each. The window is 35" across and 10" deep. For the Phals they are hanging about 8" above the highest leaf, the freshly potted and rehab guys have it hanging 15" above, and for the Cat it is 2" above. The humidity hangs at about 60% most of the day until later in the evening when it dips to 50%.

Am I overdoing it? I have been reading about artificial lights but the information has been nothing but confusing!

I would love any input and/or advice - I have been browsing this forums and soaking up anything I can!

Attached are some shots of the little rescues as well as the "rehabilitation center" and my setup.


Last edited by FlyingBrunswick; 09-18-2010 at 04:18 PM..
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Old 09-06-2010, 06:13 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Hi Sue and welcome to Orchid Board

Rooting hormone can certainly help in these sorts of cases, but many (especially powder ones) are too strong for orchids and actually inhibit root growth as a result. KLN rooting stimulant is a good one, and so is Superthrive. If you've not already seen it search for Sphag-n-bag here on OB. It's a technique which is a bit like you've already started but you might spot something there that well help. I think there is something about sugar water in the process but I can't remember.

Personally I would actually put the one with roots straight in a tiny tiny pot (just big enough to hold the roots). I had one with a similar amount of root and I tried all sorts of rescue methods but in the end a 2" pot is what seemed to get it going again and it's current flowers (my current avatar) are the first since then and it's now doing well.

As for lights, I'm not an expert on lights as I just have them all in natural light.
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Old 09-06-2010, 07:03 AM
CTB CTB is offline
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Welcome to the Orchid Board, we have over 15,000 helpful members. TLC should pull them through, I agree with Rosie you could pot the one up. Enjoy!!
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Old 09-06-2010, 09:00 AM
FlyingBrunswick FlyingBrunswick is offline

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Thank you both so much! I will head out today and get some KLN or Superthrive and get the one into a pot. I'll also be reading up on shag in a bag!

Here's hoping in my search i come across some lighting info, too.

Oh, and that is a beautiful bloom! Here's hoping these two get to do that again!
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Old 09-18-2010, 04:18 PM
FlyingBrunswick FlyingBrunswick is offline

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Default UPDATE & Ques. :: Rescue Mini Phals


I thought I would post an update and ask some advice!

The 2 rescues are hanging on, and the rooted fellow has actually taken off! It's roots have about doubled in size in S/H.

The rootless NOID is still in it's "chamber" and this is the one that I have more questions about. The plant seems alright from a glance, however one of the worse off lower leaves has fallen off (understandable) and the stalk of the plant is turning black. It has not grown any roots or shown signs of roots at all, HOWEVER, it is growing a new leaf. What's going on?!

I've never seen the blackening of the stalk before, is this a disease or infection of some sort? Why is it growing a leaf but not attempting roots?

Thank you so much!
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Old 09-18-2010, 07:44 PM
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nenella nenella is offline
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Hi & Welcome to OB!
Well done in getting the first to take to s/h.
just my
As far as your second 'chid is concerned... it sounds like the leaves & stalk etc are staying way toooo humid, which is why It's turning black... you need to keep it 'drier';
You can achieve this by either opening your set up more, drying the dark parts with a paper towel; blowing on it..etc etc... or even as already mentioned put the plant into a small pot ..inside the container.. the idea being that NO part of the plant sits in any dampness; but the air environment it is in, remains very humid.
the addition of soaking in something like KLN will defintely make roots apppear. Good Luck & keep us posted.
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Old 09-18-2010, 08:09 PM
FlyingBrunswick FlyingBrunswick is offline

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Thanks for the reply!

I too am very surprised (and proud) at how well the other has taken to S/H - it's very rewarding to see it recovering as it is!

I will do as you said and let the secong mini get drier. :-) I believe my gauge was reading at around 86% so I suppose it is quite humid in there!

It was soaked in KLN, any estimates on when I should expect some roots to begin growing?

Thank you so much!
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