This is the time of the year to start thinking about bringing in our chids. My inside winter stand needs to be replaced. My husband and son made it for me years ago before I was addicted to orchids--can't imagine that was ever possible

Anyway, there are no lights above the shelves, I have lights attached to the wall, and I am sure my chids don't get enough light even though the stand is infront of a sliding door in my living room. So I am asking for your expert opinions

I was looking at a stand with fluorescent tube PLD42WS-S fixtures; — Flora Carts . But I have also read somewhere that florescent bulbs are not really good for plants, they need the T5 type of light. Can anyone please look at the stand and let me know if this is good for my chids? I have phals, oncidium, cattleya, dendrobium, and maxillaria alliances, a paph, and a few other hybrids. So I would really appreciate all your input along with any recommendations for good sources of these stands--if you have any! Do you have any pictures to share of stands you may have in your living room?