Hope i'm in the right place to find the answer i'm looking for. I have an unknown orchid , long single stem, one leaf ( the rest turn yellow and fell off) and over the last two weeks I put him in an east window and it got little pups coming out of the single stem, wich I thought was cool ( more leaves is what I thought) wrong!!!! THEY have like roots growing around the main stem, wraping around the single stem. Can someone please tell me what in the world is going on and what do I do ?? Please help
I've moved your post to a forum where our members can see it and try to help you...but none of us will be able to do that without a picture Could you post a ?
If you need any help with that, let me know
Where are you located? Do you grow indoors or outside?
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they are keikeis growing on it due to stress from the mother. it is the mothers last ditch effort of trying to survive from the description that you are giving. check the root system. the plant could have been getting to much sun and burned the leaves. what is it growing in the media could be bad enough to hold to much moisture and is causing rot to the roots. once the keikei have roots around three inches long you can remove it and plant it and it will grow into a new plant. the problem with doing this is it my take two years before it will bloom for you, not trying to sound mean but you can pick up a healthy one at a big box store or local nursery for around twenty dollars and have flowers now. parkside nursery i know have baldans in spike right now some with two on it for 35 dollars they are a excellent plant for someone starting out and they produce lots of big blooms. personally i would order from parkside before i would but from a box store. the mother plant is probably not going to survivewithout alot of tlc you can save it by doing a sphag and bag treatment not a 100% but does work most of the time. here is a link to rays site on this method Sphag-n-Bag good luck and keep us posted on your progress, and dont feel afraid to ask any questions this is a great bunch of people here to help and to make you feel welcome
Hers the pics I just took, I checked the roots and they look fine. He's in orchid potting soil, and I firtalize him once a month with orchid mix. I live in florida . He was out side a couple of months ago but it got to hot so I brought him indoore. Now he's in a east window with morning filtered light on a humidity tray, He's not on a piece of wood like he came with his roots are free in the orchid mix. I did however have a little baby come up out of no were that I took from the pot and put in a pot by itself and that one is doing well. I also have on the same one I 'm having problems with 2 more little pups coming out of the single stem. Can any one help me and let me know what to do? T/Y
Yep, that is a Keiki, the Hawaiian word for a "baby". It should be ready to repot in a small 2 inch pot. I have / had 12 keiki's off my dend noid and they have grown well.
Carefully take the keiki off the mother plant with a sharp sterile single edge razor blade cutting a small section in order to detach the keiki from the mother plant and place in a small 2 inch pot with clean moist sphag. I would not water the plant for 10 days and than water every third day for about 1 months than work it slowly into your normal watering regimen. Fertilize after 1 month weak weekly. Keep us posted...and congratulations on your new Keiki "Happy Orchid Mother's Day
Do I take any off the mother plant's stem when removing the baby or do I just take the baby off? Also what kind of orchid is he ? I also read that seeing that the mother plant is not blooming that I could take the orchid and cut the stem in 2 to 4 inches and start rooting more plants off the cuttings is that true? T/Y
Do I take any off the mother plant's stem when removing the baby or do I just take the baby off? Also what kind of orchid is he ? I also read that seeing that the mother plant is not blooming that I could take the orchid and cut the stem in 2 to 4 inches and start rooting more plants off the cuttings is that true? T/Y
cant help much on the first question as never had to deal with a den keikei second question is it is a dendrobium as to what kind it is hard to tell from the picture there are quite a few den types. third question is yes and no there is a way to do stem propagation at least on phals that i know of not sure on the dens but if there is i dont think it is something i would try. here is a link to the aos dendrobium culture sheet http://orchidweb.org/aos/uploadedfil...redendrobe.pdf
It's a Dendrobium, most likely a complex hybrid. You might as well cut your losses and throw it out, Dends only live long enough to frustrate their owners.