One can never have too many ! If you run out of places, get more spaces!! Or grow smaller species?
Connie, attention to detail is good because that's what saves your life when you're on the savannah and a lion is on the prowl - we evolved to pay attention to details. I only have thirty orchids, but I managed to miss a new spike forming on my Burr. 'Nelly Isler' until it was two inchesand a spike on my Odontoglossum 'Anna Claire' until it was in full bud, they hide among the leaves......
.....and I am sure one year I completely missed the flowers on one of my cacti because they don't last long and they don't open if it rains and I was away for a week
But I do have 85 of the cacti and succulents family
Great growing by the way, it's a lovely plant.