I'm usually not worried about repotting while in bloom. I've done it several times with no dropped blooms. I think if you do it slowly enough and take enough care to feel what the plant needs, you're generally okay.
But I now have three gorgeous blooms and two more buds yet to open on one of the spikes, so I'll see how it feels...
Charmaine, they're native to Brazil, so they should grow beautifully in Jamaica! There are several sources online for Zygopetalums of gorgeous color. I hope you find some. As an added bonus, many of them smell delightful! I'm a complete fiend for Zygo's, I love to share the excitement.
Charmaine, they're native to Brazil, so they should grow beautifully in Jamaica! There are several sources online for Zygopetalums of gorgeous color. I hope you find some. As an added bonus, many of them smell delightful! I'm a complete fiend for Zygo's, I love to share the excitement.
Native of Brazil... kool. Thanks for the info.. Will let you know when I receive my first.
Great find!
I have about 20 different Zygo varieties that I have obtained from all over the world (Australia is a great source of different plants by the way.....) and yours seems like a wonderfully healthy plant.