I have Orchid Focus - Grow (2.2 1.2 2.1)
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
that I intend to use on my recovering phal poted in bark in a tiny 7 cm pot, has only one growing root, one that has a part been cut off, and a small new one.
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
I usually use 500 ml lukewarm water that I run through 2 or 3 times through the bark. I water every 3 to 4 days as it dries fast.
1. If I were to use fertlizer in that water, how much fertiliser should I use (I have seringes that can measure as low as 0.10 mililiter)?
2. Should I run first some clean water (no fertilizer) and then run water with fertilizer?
3. How many times should I run the fertilized water through the medium?
4. Should I use fertilizer everytime I water?
That is all about this orchid.
Also I know people have said there is no point in using a bloom fertlizer but since I have it I don't want to pour it down the drain.
I have Orchid Focus - Bloom (1.8 2.4 2.6) that I intend to use on my other orchid.
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
If somebody knows what that labes sais, please let me know as the orchid did not have a label.
It is poted in bark (mostly, I think) in a 12 cm pot and since I got it almost 3 weeks now I did not water it. When I got the wooden skewer out of the medium 3 days ago to replace it with the nice pink one the wooden one felt damp and cold. I guess it takes long to dry since it looks tight packed in a big pot.
When it is due for watering, I have mostly the same questions as before:
1 Do I run water before I run the water with fertiliser?
2. If I water nearly once a month, do I use fertilizer every time?
3. How much of the bloom fertilizer shoul I use for 500 ml water and how many times can I run that water through the medium?
4. Do I switch to the Grow fertilizer Imediately after there are no more flowers?
5. Is is wise to try to get it to flower again or should I wait for those existing flowers to dye and the cut the spike and repot so I can take a look at the roots and give the plant a new start in my home? It was bought from a supermaket (tesco) and I do not trust them very much...
I also have Orchid mist
Growth Technology
that I use to spray once a week both orchids, only on the leaf and aerial roots as they say on the label but I do not use 8 to 10 sprays per plant, maybe 3 max the small one and 6 - 7 for the big one. They say it is a "nutrient solution, pest repellent, growth enhancer, plant tonic and leaf conditioner"... not sore how much of that is true.
If you have any other suggestions besides the things that i thought to ask fell free to jump in. I need all the advice I can get.