is my phal healthy?
I got my phal in may and it seemed to be doing well. I watered it when it got dry with rain water and did avid research since this is my first orchid.
now, all the flowers wilted and died. I cut the stem near the bottom close to the leaves like everyone said was fine.
i had six leaves on my phal, but two have gone yellow and fallen off. they were the smaller ones near the bottom. Also, some of my roots don't appear to be very healthy. They aren't firm and some are squishy. I have a long wait between waterings, about a week and a half. The moss on the top is dry but i stick my finger in and it feels a little damp still, so i wait to water.
I'll attach pictures and i really hope someone can help me!
I live in wisconsin and keep my plant in a south facing room away from the windows (there is no good way to put it nearer). Our air conditioning is on a lot since it's a humid summer here.
one more thing: i'm thinking about repotting, but i'm nervous to do it. should i?