Glad you like the pics, and I hope I can inspire others to try to grow these very cool orchids. Even if I never get it to flower, the idea of an 80-foot vine winding around my shower is awesome!

I'm committed to posting updated pics as it grows, with any luck.
That thing in my avatar is one of my favorite creatures in the whole world, and, if you look closely, you can see a line-drawing version of one tattooed on my wrist in my Zygopetalum post.
Let's see if you can figure out what it is by three clues and a Google.
1. It is a marsupial, though you rarely see its pouch.
2. It has a strange physical characteristic that is usually attributed to old-world monkeys called ischial callosities on its rear end.
3. It is indiginous to only two countries on one continent in the whole world.
As you can see, I have an affinity for the exotic, the strange, and the so-ugly-they're-cute things in the world.