New off shoot not growing...
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Old 07-20-2010, 07:46 PM
ginnycro ginnycro is offline
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New off shoot not growing...
Default New off shoot not growing...

Dear Senior members,
I appeal to you!
I posted a question at the beginning of the month concerning an off shoot whose very tip I accidenatally slightly chipped. As the senior members predicted nothing happened to the plant, as it is very much alive and its leaves are green and strong; however, even though that little off shoot appears to be perefectly healthy - it is light green - it seems it has stopped growing. I see similar off-shoots on the same plant that were growing into the soil (some of which are "burned" and obviously dead, but they still look like "roots).
Can you please tell me if this is normal or should the palnt be repotted? Initially the off shoot grew very fast and I thought it was meant to graw tall and bear more flowers (next year), but it seems to me it never made any progress since it was slightly chipped...
Please help: I need your advise!
Million thanks!
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Old 07-20-2010, 08:31 PM
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1. What kind of orchid is it?

2. Do you have a photo?

3. What are your growing parameters? (temp, lighting, humidity)

4. What has changed since you last posted about this plant?
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Old 07-20-2010, 10:42 PM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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New off shoot not growing... Female

A photo would help, as Philip said.
I myself have nicked off the beginning of a lead before it barely got away from the plant- a couple weeks later, it would putting out new growth in the middle of the broken off part.
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Old 07-21-2010, 07:29 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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As has already been said a pic would help. I see from your previous post that it was a Paph... was it a root you broke or the start of a new fan?

I have found roots will sulk for a while if the tip is knocked off before growing again. Paph roots are often very slow growing so that would not seem unusual. If it is a new growth then it may or may not restart depending on where it broke. I've sometimes seem then manage to get going again.
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Old 07-29-2010, 07:49 PM
ginnycro ginnycro is offline
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New off shoot not growing...
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Dear all,
thank you very much for your response. Indeed the orchid is a Paph, but I do not have a picture at the moment. Regarding light, humidity and so on, I am afraid I can hardly be defined a member of this club because my knowledge is very limited. I can only say it does get light as it is in front of a window, but does not get strong, diret sun light. I give the plant three ice cubes oncea week and that is about it.
Now, I am not sure I KNOW the difference between a root and a new fan...I can only say it springs from the "bulk" and looks like some of the roots but could have been what you call a fan, that is where the flowers where growing? The part that has been chipped is opposite to where the root/fan grew, meaning opposite to where the root is attached to the bulk.
Indeed, as Rosie says "the tip has been knocked off". However, the leaves are giant, green and growing every day. I am wondering if it has to be repotted, though? That too I would not know how to do!
Thank you very much again for all teh replies, and I hope this little info helps you a bit.
Meanwhile I will try to post a picture of it.
Many thanks again!!
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Old 07-29-2010, 08:25 PM
johnblagg johnblagg is offline
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New off shoot not growing... Male

ok on a paph the new root will be a tan or cream color at the tip not least mine are so if its green I would say a new fan which is indeed the part the bloom emerges from the center of.and if this is the case will start up later in all liklyhood a root I dont know mine seem to resent any damage to the root tips a lot ...
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Old 07-29-2010, 08:51 PM
dounoharm dounoharm is offline
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i think 3 ice cubes a week is rather miserly for watering a paph....a good soaking about every 5 days is more to thier liking....and will induce more
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Old 07-29-2010, 09:58 PM
ginnycro ginnycro is offline
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New off shoot not growing...
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Thank you! So you believe it is a new fan? the color is light green, and you are saying it is normal that it grows slow? I can only say that up to this point - where I chipped the tip - it seemed to me was growing fairly fast, that is why I got so upset...
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Old 07-29-2010, 11:34 PM
orchidsamore orchidsamore is offline
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New off shoot not growing... Male

forget the ice cube nonsence.

Paphs do not want to dry out and should be keep moist all the time. An occasional drying will not hurt the plant but you are growing it too dry and it will not grow like that.
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Old 07-30-2010, 08:23 AM
johnblagg johnblagg is offline
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New off shoot not growing... Male

well mine has grow the new lead pretty slowly ..but it was a plant that was mailed to me and I did keep it a little on the dry side main mistake was that one new growth was above the level of the medium a bit and roots were emerging from it.I did not add more medium and roots grew slowly and I did cover them just a bit but still was being overcautious on water.Last week I topped th emedium up to above the new roots and now they have became the brown fuzzy roots they should be ...
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