In my experience, paph roots starts as little white or cream coloured nubs on the plant and plump up a bit as white/cream nubs before really exploding into action later on and growing like crazy. They also don't seem to take off unless they are a bit down in the medium in my experience.
When it comes to new fans, I'm sure other growers have a lot more experience than I do but, I've had them grow fast, slow or start out fast and peter out when they get a leaf or two and vice versa. I think a lot depends on how many roots they have and how active those roots are. I have one solid green multi-floral paph that I got for $5 that's growing roots a few milimeters a day. I swear I can also watch them grow.I've also got others who's new root nubs don't seem to have plumped up enough to start pushing the new roots out yet. But once they get started, I'm hoping that they'll go gangbusters like the other one.
Good luck with your Paph
