If you're growing one in basket, I'd go with coconut husk chips instead of just lining it with coir (probably something like a small or medium grade). No moss. The CHC will provide enough moisture without the use of moss.
Bulbos like moisture, but they don't like being soggy.
For the mounted Bulbo, resist the urge to slather the mount with moss. Be sparing with the moss. It only has to be one strand thick and cover an area that is a little bit larger than the size of the plant. The roots should not be covered by the moss. Instead, the roots should be on top of the moss.
During the hot weather, it's best to water the mounted Bulbo at least once everyday, but no more than twice a day.
When the weather is cooler, it's important to decrease the frequency of watering (for some Bulbos, the amount of water reduction during the cooler months is pretty significant).
The one in the basket, you can afford to wait until the medium dries out completely (coconut husk retains quite a bit of water). Don't worry about the roots drying out if you allow the medium to dry out. I guarantee it's most likely not going to cause root damage. It's easier to rot the roots out due to over watering (since Bulbos don't usually grow too many roots per growth, a good amount of root rot can compromise its health very easily).
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 07-17-2010 at 02:17 AM..