Originally Posted by nenella
Sue , Beautiful! what's the black thing you have holding your two spikes? Never seen that before...
I'm so glad you noticed that and asked
It's a trick we learned from our good friend, the late Jim Clarkson

, as a way to separate spikes at an early stage of growth for it's best presentation.
Just take a piece of styrofoam, like you get in the fruit or meat department of a market and cut a piece about the length of the distance between the spikes. Gently check to see if it's too big (better to start large and cut it down than having a piece too short

) and snip out a little inverted "V" at each end. Place it between the spikes and it's a very gentle way to keep them separated. THe key is handling them gently...and every time I do one, I have this great picture of Jim demonstrating it. It's something I will never forget...but in this case, it was my hubby who suggested it when he saw the two spikes growing rather close together. If I hadn't separated them, they would be growing into each other
Thanks Jim...we miss you but the lessons you taught us will live on forever