So its been a while since I have been on this forum, no need to ask any questions until now.
The first is is it normal for Phallies to bloom CONSTANTLY? I mean BIG blooms (6 to 7) ... seems like one of my Phal's is just constantly in bloom...
The Other is I have Three Vandaceous Orchids, (purple/orange/red) all together in a small hanging basket... of which I need to get a bigger basket, but anyway.... The Orange One is producing a bloom stalk again and i was wondering if there was anything I could do to produce extra large or plentiful blooms? And How do I get the others to bloom, they havent yet...
The last question is about my Catleya Orchid... which is growing fine, and has good color however the older stalks look to be shriveled... And Im not sure why.
I live in Northeast Alabama and it is in the 90's durring the day here with a humidity factor of about 400 (UGH ITS HORRIBLE!) , the Catleya is ont he patio, recieves dappled sunlight all day which is filtered through a very large water oak tree above. I have moved it were it can get morning sun until about 10 am. and then shade/filtered light for the rest of the day...
I water them several times a week, and am hardgrowing all of my orchids btw... including this one.
Are the older striveling stalks normal?