Hey all,
Here's a question that I feel stupid asking but I really have no idea of the answer to..... I have never owned a Catt before, only Phals. I decided to pick up a bag baby a few months ago that is a Catt. Stephanie Takasaki "Jared's". So, as it's growing and producing new psuedobulbs, I've come to wonder if the dry outer coating around the p-bulbs are supposed to fall off or if they need assistance or if they stay on or blahblahblah. I've done a bunch of searches on this website for info about it, but honestly, I don't even know what that outer layer is called so none of my searches gave me any information on "covering" or "coating" etc. Please tell me I'm not the only person who had pondered this with their first catt

Below is a picture of it when I first got it. It's now in S/H and has about 2 or 3 more p-bulbs.