I think you are refering to thiophanate-methyl to be used as an anti fungal..
I also grow outdoors and fungus is an issue but not as terrible as you may be lead to believe.
Pythion fungus is the most common problem in rainy season.
It is often called black rot or root rot.
thiophanate-methyl has been recommeded for 50 years and over use has made most strains of bacterias resistent to the drug. It is one of the least effective drugs. However, the newer drugs are extremely expensive.
All these drugs are poisens and extremely dangerous. The use sheets attached require full clothing (preferrably disposable clothing) i.e. shoes soaks, long pants, long sleave shirts gloves, hat and oxygen masks. Many people just spray but releaize the danger.
5 PM rain should dry before sunset at 8. Also healthy plants do not just fungus when wet over night.
Good care is better. Plenty of air circulation is the best prevention.
I like Companion brand of Brasilus subtilis bacteria as an innoculate against fungus. It is safe. reasonable in price and in my experience highly effective. Since it is organic made from seaweed it is totally safe. Ihave lectured at the Vero club and shows about these products. I am sorry you were not there.
Back to your original question the dilution rates seem to be high. I would not go over 1 teaspoon per gallon.