I recommend removing the plant from the pot, asap. Check the roots and see if the roots in the middle are rotting.
The way your Phal is potted will deceive you into thinking that it's okay.
Because you're seeing the healthy roots that are hugging the inside lining of the pot, but there's no way for you to tell what's happening in the middle of the pot, where a large majority of the roots most likely are.
The moss looks very tightly packed in there btw.
As for your question about how often to water...
I think a good point of reference would be to look at in-situ pics of wild Phalaenopsis on Flickr. When you get to the Flickr home page, look for the search bar and type in "Phalaenopsis in-situ" in the field. You should be able to pull up pictures of Phals in the wild.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 05-29-2010 at 04:53 PM..