I am planning to move my orchids outside in the garden, but I am afraid it will receive very bright light (not direct sunlight) Is it ok for Phalaenopsis to get bright indirect light?
I think that if the light is indirect it shoud be OK, but move them steadily to a brighter place if possible, so they can get used to it getting brighter and brigher rather than it being sudden.
hmmmmm I put mine under a tree for the summer each year ...its a cypress tree but they do get some morning sun I believe I will have to pay more attention....
Rosie is right move them out carefully and from inside to the brighter area in steps not all at once plants just like people get sunburn only they dont heal so well when its bad...
can you give us an idea of how bright it is in that area .....for instance does your hand cast a shadow on the wall there.
if it does is it a bright distinct shadow or a fuzzy edged shadow....
or is it a very dim shadow just barley able to tell its there?