I need some assistance with my paph orchid. It is turning brown from the tip of the leaf and quickly growing brown towards the stalk. Any ideas? It has been fine up until a couple of days ago. Thanks!
Ok, here are some pics...as you can see they are turning brown starting from the tip of the leaf. They get watered weekly and fed weakly weekly. Any ideas?
Honestly, I have no idea which paph it is, other than the fact that it is a Vini, with a very dark purple flower. The strange thing is that I have 5 paphs and the other 4 are doing fine. Do you think I should flush it with water? Change the medium? Thanks for you help, I really want this one to survive as it is my first paph.
When was the last time it was repotted? If it's been a year or more I would definitely do that. There's no reason why this plant should have sensitivity to minerals if your others are alright.
You may simply need to water it a little more. It should be watered when the medium has dried to dampness but before it is bone dry.