Taking the plunge- first repotting.
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Old 04-22-2010, 02:14 PM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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Taking the plunge- first repotting. Female
Red face Taking the plunge- first repotting.

Whew! Alright, today is the day that I've reserved time to repot two of my orchids.
(Wow....three years of having orchids, and this is my first bonafide repotting.....bad Izzie, BAD!)

I've had the (hopefully appropriate) media soaking for a day, the media that contains CHC has been soaking for 3. (the vendor said it was rinsed and such, but not taking any chances)

I know there's lots of threads about this, but in typical newbie form, of course I want some reassurance.

'Chids getting repotted:
Onc. Twinkle (the one with four new growths)
P. stuartiana

Got the stuartiana a month or so ago, it's spike blasted, I cut it off and have been babying it since. It has several actively growing roots, and a few new nubs- however, this week it has really started to wilt, so I've decided I need to check out what's going on.

Media and pots I've chosen:
Onc- I have a medium/fine bark mix with perlite and charcoal, that I've added a tiny bit of CHC to, since I was prone to underwatering it at the beginning, and it dried out so fast in my environment.
-Pot- a clear slotted 3" pot, I'm putting a wine cork in the bottom, maybe a styrofoam peanut- similar to how the plant is potted now.

Phal- large/medium bark mix with charcoal and some CHC. Putting a layer of large wine cork chunks on the bottom.
-Pot- 3" slotted plastic.

What I know about repotting:

-I have some coconut milk, should I soak the media in coconut milk water, or just superthrive solution?

-clean off the roots, cut off icky ones, soak in water to make them more flexible, and spray with listerine to disinfect.

Onc- since there are new growths starting on every side of the plant, I think it would be best to just center it in the pot.

Phal- just...making sure the crown is above the media?

In any case, so glad you guys are here, even if you don't respond, I can at least hound some of you after the fact to check that I've done it right.

Can I post pictures of the root systems to see what you guys think?

Last edited by Izzie; 04-22-2010 at 02:19 PM..
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Old 04-22-2010, 03:00 PM
johnblagg johnblagg is offline
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I would not use coconut milk ...coconut water perhaps, but they are not the same coconut milk is the coconut pureed with the liquid and might cause fungus I think ....not sure but why chance it? Coconut water is from fresh green coconuts and does not have any of the actual coconut flesh in it and does have some phytochemicals in it that induce roots and kekies but it needs to be from green young coconuts not older mature ones yuo usually find in stores unless it is a asian or speciality store.You can buy coconut water now in a lot of stores with no additives to use.

the phal I would pot deep enough to cover all roots and bare stalk...but not any of the leaves just up to leaf bases

Last edited by johnblagg; 04-22-2010 at 03:03 PM..
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Old 04-22-2010, 03:05 PM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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Originally Posted by johnblagg View Post
I would not use coconut milk ...coconut water perhaps, but they are not the same coconut milk is the coconut pureed with the liquid and might cause fungus I think ....not sure but why chance it? Coconut water is from fresh green coconuts and does not have any of the actual coconut flesh in it and does have some phytochemicals in it that induce roots and kekies but it needs to be from green young coconuts not older mature ones yuo usually find in stores unless it is a asian or speciality store.You can buy coconut water now in a lot of stores with no additives to use.

the phal I would pot deep enough to cover all roots and bare stalk...but not any of the leaves just up to leaf bases
Sad day, I don't think I have access to coconut water. Are you saying it might be sold at an Asian supermarket?

Should I soak in superthrive then?

Thanks for the phal guidance.
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Old 04-22-2010, 03:55 PM
johnblagg johnblagg is offline
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Yes they have it more often at asin food stores but it is becoming more commin at all srtores now days look in the section that sells Goya products Goya sells some too ......yes a touch of superthirve would be ok if you have it but actually you dont need anything if roots look good but it wont hurt I used it on my baby catts all winter with good results ...

some say overuse can cause deformed blooms so I would not over do it just a few uses for a week or so to a month maybe...or once a week for a few weeks

Of course you will have to use your own judgement on when to stop I used it for several months on the babies but they were very very small and as soon as they got good size I quit ....this was two or three months for mine..and they had awesome roots by then
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Old 04-22-2010, 04:15 PM
Tropicgirl Tropicgirl is offline
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Taking the plunge- first repotting. Female

Hey, Izzie!
I have found coconut water in my local grocery store. It is in the isle with spanish and asian food and like John said, the one I got is packaged by Goya. It looks like a can of soda since it's used as a drink.

I haven't tried it yet, so far I've just used Superthrive and that seems to work well. I put a capful in a gallon jug of water.

Show us them roots girl!

BTW-I have one of my noid phals planted in the pet quality CHC, it was smaller chips than I wanted but it seems the phal is quite happy. I will get a picture tonight, the 2 flower spikes have about 3 branches on each! Plus it's growing a new leaf, too!
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Old 04-22-2010, 04:17 PM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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Originally Posted by Tropicgirl View Post
Hey, Izzie!
I have found coconut water in my local grocery store. It is in the isle with spanish and asian food and like John said, the one I got is packaged by Goya. It looks like a can of soda since it's used as a drink.

I haven't tried it yet, so far I've just used Superthrive and that seems to work well. I put a capful in a gallon jug of water.

Show us them roots girl!

BTW-I have one of my noid phals planted in the pet quality CHC, it was smaller chips than I wanted but it seems the phal is quite happy. I will get a picture tonight, the 2 flower spikes have about 3 branches on each! Plus it's growing a new leaf, too!
Thanks John and Angela! I'll know what to look for now.
Off to get a sundew at the garden center, some errands, and then back to repot!
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Old 04-23-2010, 04:30 PM
Tropicgirl Tropicgirl is offline
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Hey, girl! How did the repot go? Here's the pic of my noid phal in the CHC from the pet store. I know it's WAY overpotted but it's all I had at the time. Seems to be pretty darn happy though. After repotting, it threw out the 3 branches off the spike and a new leaf. Can't wait to see what color it is.

How's the little stinker doin'? Mine hasn't put out any new growth yet, I'm getting a bit impatient.
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Taking the plunge- first repotting.-angela-030-jpg  
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Old 04-24-2010, 05:18 PM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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Taking the plunge- first repotting. Female

Had to overpot the twinkle and I'm panicking.

Haven't done the phal yet.

the stinker is doing well.

Great job with that guy! It looks great!
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chc, coconut, media, repotting, water, plunge-, taking

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