I`m moved to my new location (still not settled though my back is messed up) I think i`ve managed to find spots for my orchids where they are happy though but may have to play around with a few of them yet. Took an updated pic of the keiki i have and a pic of a new orchid i got for 5 dollars and an older one that i think may be starting a spike theres a pic of it i`m posting here too. let me know what you think. I`ve never seen one just starting before so I don`t know but i couldn`t figure out what else it would be. PS I missed you guys. I've only been able to sit at the computer for the last couple days which is why i`ve been gone for so long.
Is it common for roots to grow at the base of a leaf like that Philip? I've never seen it before so i`m very curious. Whatever it is it has come up that much since yesterday when I watered it. I'll post more pics when its a bit bigger too. Humidifier is a good idea. wonder why i never thought of it.
It's common for roots to pop up in between the leaf axils.
No worries.
Sometimes, the new roots will break through the petioles (the part of the leaf that wraps around the stem and attaches to the actual leaf at the base).
Great shot of the keiki - looks like it's really coming along. Any chance you can post a pic of the current keiki that shows the plant too so we can get a sense of size/scope?
I didn't want to have to run/maintain a humidifier all the time so I've got all of my orchids on top of humidity trays. I don't think it's as effective as a humidifier that runs 24/7, but it's easy - I just fill the trays when I water the orchids.
sure thing. had to move it to be able to get it all in the pic the spike is quite tall. but here it is The leaf that is pointing up was like that when i bought it.