Bonjour FT ( do you have a real name we can all call you)
Good little deal and blooming, nice!!!
Normally when I get new orchids, I run a quicky check for insects on
leaves and pick some of the media out of the pot to get a closer look at the roots for again
insects and any
root rot that might be going on.
If all checks out to be okay then, cuz that could always change
I leave it alone for the time being.
I don't know what kinda media it's in, what is it?
Within a few days ... I will repot and spray down for insects regardless if I see them or not. I've noticed spider mites tend to be present no matter where the orchid comes from, "In my experience"
I keep all my new 'chids in aside from all others for about 4 weeks. I have not found that repotting during a blooming stage hasn't really effected the plants flowering period.
Enjoy your new chids