Nice job, Izzie! Can't wait to see your new phal. in bloom! I would think a Catt. would like being in a wooden basket as long as it's not too big. Beautiful plants, you lucky duck!
thank youuuuuuu. I thought I got some pretty good specimens, save for the catt's roots.
I will definitely post pics of the phal.
wait till the catt is finished blooming to repot...and repot in an airy mix, firmly tamped down....catts like to have a solid footing...try to put the rhyzome on the top of the
wait till the catt is finished blooming to repot...and repot in an airy mix, firmly tamped down....catts like to have a solid footing...try to put the rhyzome on the top of the
Could I give it a "solid footing" in the basket, or no?