I have a Phal dropping flowers, I always believed with they start dropping flowers that there going out of that stage, at the base of a dying flower, I seen this, it dosen't look the same as the other young buds I have on some of my plants.
Hi Jeffery,
I'm not exactly sure what you mean..this spike looks healthy other than the little spot on the growing tip.
Some phals will put out blooms differently than others, it depends on the species/hybrid. Some will bloom upright, and others will hang down. I could suggest that you spray for fungus/bacteria and just wait and see what happens.
OK! but here is another question regarding that, I guess thats a new bud with a continuation of the old spike, now as I said its dropping the old bloom, 2 spikes, 1 is already turning brown and the one with the new growth is starting to turn brown, my question is, should I let grow or should I remove both spikes so this plant can rest a bit?
If what you are saying is that the old spikes have now dropped all of the flowers and one is turning brown, then I, personally, cut back to the plant. the brown spike is dead and even if you were to cut it just back from the last flower node, it will not re-flower. There are others on this forum who will leave old GREEN spikes and cut just the tip off so they will re-flower but I find with my phals that the subsequent flowering produces smaller flowers. some also say to use cinnamon on the cut end. There is no need because the spike is a one way conduit to the flowers and nothing will be transmitted back to the plant.