Originally Posted by phalphan1
Listen, I'm not lazy and this watering method has worked for me and my just add ice orchid for over a year now and it's sending up new flower spikes. These orchid forums are all the same...why not actually try this watering method with these just add ice orchids and see if it works before blindly saying to newbies that it doesn't and they will likely die...explain how mine is fine and flourishing?! So newbies out there who are like me...3 ice cubes a week works perfectly fine! We don't always have to give plants the most optimal conditions for them to flourish...I water my impatiens in the summer with ice cold water from my hose and it doesn't seem to affect them too much and those are definitely tropical plants!
Even though you're responding to someone else's post, I'd like to say my piece.
Just adding ice can be dangerous for people who are growing tropical orchids that don't appreciate the cold,
and if those people are from cooler areas of the world.
Perhaps this is a better explanation.
Adding ice may not have a strong effect if you're from Florida.
Adding ice in places like Southern California, or even worse, places like Nebraska is very dangerous to your plants.
Perhaps the "lazy" statement needs explanation too...
I was about to type that in myself, but I talked myself out of it.
The reason being is that I realize there are people out there who are not "lazy". They're simply looking for short cuts, either because they have busy lives or have other priorities. These busy people like orchids too, so if there's a short cut, why not, right?
I'm in the same boat. I try and look for short cuts too. In my experience, some short cuts work, and others don't. Same goes for anything else in life you do.
But be forewarned
sometimes certain types of these short cuts,
depending on the context of the situation will backfire.
Not all the time, and not for every person or situation, but occasionally for quite a few people they will.
This particular practice of adding ice should ideally not be practiced. But if it works for you then go for it, I guess.