I bought a zygo in December and I have just found that all three of the growths have rotted off
It still has a large backbulb and healthy roots and I want to know if I can save it and if so how. To be honest I've probably rushed and done things I shouldn't already, if so please tell me so I know for the future.
I had seen that the outsides of the growths had gone brown but I naively thought this was just leaves dying back before the p-bulbs formed as on some other chids. About 2 weeks ago I gently pulled back some of the brown leaves and it was still green and firm inside so I left it.
Today this is what I found...
Two of the three growths just colapsed under light pressure and left stumps like this...
The third seemed like it was still good at the center, but then suddenly snapped off while I was handling the plant. Not sure if I was too rough or if it was doomed anyway
Considering the fact that like a lot of non-Phal chids being sold in the UK & Europe just now (as myself, Camille and Nicole have all found) there was a mass of rotten moss at the center of the root mass, the roots look to actually be in good condition. There were some odd rotten ones but mostly there are firm and healthly looking. The first picture here was taken part way through washing the medium out the roots and the second was taken at the end.
Well I've washed off the roots ready for repotting and I've also removed the two completely rotten growths down at the ryzome (not sure if I should have done that

). I have currently left the base of the growth that was not entirely rotten. I have rinced the roots in listerine and also plain water.
So I am left with this, one large p-bulb which seems healthly but one of the top leaves is brown (although does not seem rotten), a second small p-buld, the stump of one of the growths & a mass of reasonable looking roots.
So... should I leave the stump of the final growth or remove it? If I leave it should I try and clean up the rotten growth arround it?
Should I just pot this up and hope for the best or is there something else I should do?
Is there any hope for this chid?