Well, another update: there are 3 new roots growing and the flower spikes are showing signs of producing flowers.
I have two questions.
The leaves look dehydrated (in other words, leathery), and I just checked the roots yesterday and they didn't appear rotten. Can I assume that I have just been underwatering it for the number of roots the plant has? (the new root growth never did head "underground").
Speaking of roots, I had mentioned some aerial roots growing, assuming that the plant does make those. Now, I'm wondering if I should have forced those roots that did form into the bark so they absorb more moisture?
I don't really want to water more often as the reason the plant suffered initially was because of over-watering.
I would show pics, but my camera recently broke so will have to describe as best I can.
Thanks for any and all comments!
Last edited by tazmania; 07-15-2010 at 04:10 PM..