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Old 01-10-2010, 08:23 AM
wiley81 wiley81 is offline
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Planning to Propose to My Girlfriend: Need Your Help!
Default Planning to Propose to My Girlfriend: Need Your Help!

OK, long story short:

I'm planning to propose to my girlfriend. On our first date I told her about the Orchid Thief and the popular Ghost Orchid, specifically that I loved people who had that one thing that they believe will make them happy -- and that I wished I could put all my stock into one singular idea.

A week later I wanted to get her flowers. However, there were no occasions (V-day, B-day, etc...) to give her any, except for Friday the 13th; so I sent her orchids and wished her a "Happy Friday the 13th." Plus, unwittingly, I added into the note: "the next one will be a Ghost Orchid."

Fast forward three years. I'm planning to propose and I've dug myself a nice little ditch. I've found "my one thing" that will make me happy, but I need help locating a Ghost Orchid or Dendrophylax funalis. I have made one contact, Claude from Hamlyn Orchids in Jamaica, but I'm curious if there were any other alternatives.

So, I guess, after trying to pluck your heart strings, I'm asking three things:

1) Does anybody know any sellers for a Ghost Orchid?

2) Do you know the going price for a Dendrophylax funalis?

3) I want to present her one (unrooted and without it inside a pot) while doing the whole kneeling gestures and heart-pouring bit -- but I also want to find another one to crystallize or encase or whatever to have her able to keep and hold for the rest of her life. Is that even possible? Forgive my ignorance.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Old 01-10-2010, 09:27 AM
Undergrounder Undergrounder is offline
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Hey J i love your idea!

First, Ghost orchids are available from Oak Hill Gardens ...

Oak Hill Gardens

Fairly cheap, although they're small and frankly, wouldn't last without a lot of effort and experience... i would give it a 95% chance of dying within a couple of months if it's your first one.

Point no. 2: True ghost orchids, of the kind found in Florida and featured in the movie are Dendrophylax lindenii, not Dendrophylax funalis (Funalis is a closely related species, but not the one in the movie). Dphlx lindenii is what Oak Hill sells, they will most definitely be your go-to people for ghost orchids - apart from a few growers here who might own a large one themselves.

Point 3. They don't grow in pots. They're literally a few 'tentacles' of small green roots, without leaves, that survive by growing down the sides of a tree. They look nothing like an 'orchid' at all, and on first impression just look like a mess of roots. They don't look like much as just plants and are ridiculously difficult to grow for a beginner.

I think if you want to play it a bit safer, why not try and get a ghost orchid FLOWER instead of the orchid itself? It won't last long, maybe a few days, but perhaps you can get that 'crystallized' (whatever that is?) or encased in gold or whatever. Oak Hill might sell you a flower when it's flowering season.

I think it's going to be really really hard to pull off, given how hard the things are to grow, how rarely they flower, how few people have ones big enough to flower, etc. But i guess that only makes it more special if you can pull it off.. keep thinking of ideas i'm sure you can do something, good luck!

Last edited by Undergrounder; 01-10-2010 at 09:31 AM..
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Old 01-10-2010, 09:46 AM
Erce Erce is offline
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Planning to Propose to My Girlfriend: Need Your Help! Male

first of all welcome to ob

i have on ebay found a ghost orchid made from clay - its so nice, that might be a sweet thing and its for sure a keeper

and good luck, your story made me smile.
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Old 01-10-2010, 10:31 AM
orchidsamore orchidsamore is offline
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under grounder is completely correct with the added problem that they do not flower regular and can go years without a bloom.

However, you should be able to find a ceramic or jewelry type piece that will work better for you purpose. The American Orchid Society has many orchids done this way so check out their store.

Internet search for Ghost orchid jewelry found this Handmade Ghost Orchid and clay flowers by

It also has the advantage that it will always be in bloom for her.
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Old 01-10-2010, 10:43 AM
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Congratulations to you both
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Old 01-10-2010, 11:37 AM
Paul Paul is offline
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Planning to Propose to My Girlfriend: Need Your Help! Male

Utilizing a terrarium/orchidarium would increase your odds of success of growing a ghost orchid. As has already been mentioned, the plant itself is not much to look at and Oakhill would be your cheapest source.

Another option to those mentioned, would be to have one etched on glass (whether a vase, plaque, etc). Look for a glass artist in your area or, if you like the idea but are a bit stumped as where to seek such a person out, I can send you contact info for a buddy of mine who does stained glass and and glass etchings. He does incredible work and I know he has done glass etchings of the ghost orchid. (And, no, I don't get a "cut of his action" LOL.) One of the advantages of going to someone who does glass art for a living is the ability to get the work personalized too if you'd like.
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Old 01-10-2010, 01:56 PM
Matilda Matilda is offline

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Planning to Propose to My Girlfriend: Need Your Help!

Unless she is an orchid enthusiast (addict) I don't know if she would get much enjoyment out of a live Ghost Orchid. It's really just a few roots wrapped around a mount. Those who try to grow them (I have one on order myself) do it primarily for the challenge (imo).

But they are not expensive so maybe would be worth it for the sentiment. The one I have coming was around 12 bucks, from Oak Hill Gardens

I love the idea of an 'ghost orchid' item. And that is something that would keep. Maybe a combination of live one and something that would be keepsake.

Do some searching on growing Ghost Orchids for some good ideas on how to prepare a hospitable environment for them.

I think it's a neat idea
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Old 01-10-2010, 02:26 PM
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1. Congratulations.

2. Welcome to the OB.

3. Talk about jumping into things head first!

I'm not going to lie, if you've never grown orchids before, or if this is just a casual hobby for the both of you. I'd strongly reconsider buying any of the myriad of orchids commonly referred to as "leafless orchids" or "Ghost Orchids".

Like the others have said, there are jewelry pieces that might fit the bill.

As was mentioned, all "leafless orchids" are are a mass of roots wrapped around wood. Maybe, there might be a few occasional small leaves (when I say small, I mean almost - but not quite - vestigial looking) that can or may drop. These roots are usually no larger than 3 mm - 4 mm in diameter.

The majority (more like almost all) of the photosynthesis is done by the roots.

All the "leafless orchids" are novelties. Once the novelty wears off, will you or your girlfriend still like them? IDK.

For someone who doesn't grow orchids, they may look at them and say, it looks like a spider or a bunch of worms.

Anyways, on with the show...

Oak Hill Gardens may carry the actual Polyrrhiza (Dendrophylax) lindenii (this species is the true Ghost Orchid), but let's face it. Many people are not able to grow this plant very easily and very well.

I don't have any experience with Dendrophylax funalis so I can't advise you there either.


I do have experience with "Asian Ghost Orchids". Namely Chiloschista spp. and Taeniophyllum spp.

Some people are actually able to grow Chiloschista. From what I gather, Taeniophyllum is not that hard to grow either...for a "Ghost Orchid" (in other words, I'm speaking relatively - without any experience, you'll get frustrated and quit).

I currently grow what was sold to me as Chiloschista parishii (I'm not sure it really is what they labeled it as, of course I haven't bloomed it out to know for certain either).

It took me a few tries to get it right though.

Chiloschistas are much more attractive "Ghost Orchids" in my opinion and more reliable bloomers than the actual Ghost Orchid (Polyrrhiza lindenii).

My Chiloschista sp. shows evidence of flowering multiple times in the past.

There is also relatively more cultivational information available about Chiloschista spp, than Polyrrhiza spp.

Although Taeniophyllum spp, have the potential to be very floriferous, they're very small flowered. I had a species where the flower was no more than 3 mm - 4 mm in diameter (not exactly a show stopper).

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 01-10-2010 at 03:18 PM..
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Old 01-10-2010, 03:26 PM
flhiker flhiker is offline
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Congratulations! I have to agree, growing one is near impossible and know guarantee that it will ever flower. Although I would recommend a piece of jewelery that someone made for me. Here name is Dawn Vertrees and heres website.
Hand Sculpted & Crafted Jewelry by Dawn Vertrees

PS let me know if your ever in S. Florida and I would be happy to show you and your bride to be the real thing.
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Last edited by flhiker; 01-10-2010 at 07:38 PM..
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Old 01-10-2010, 06:45 PM
peeweelovesbooks peeweelovesbooks is offline
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Planning to Propose to My Girlfriend: Need Your Help! Female

How about this:

Hand Sculpted & Crafted Jewelry by Dawn Vertrees
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