I notice that we are both in the same area in CA and squirrels were a MAJOR PROBLEM in our area this summer for everyone!
I only wish they had just stayed with burying their winter harvest, as they usually do, in my Cymbidiums. But NO, this year in late summer, they decided to chew off each and every new growth an inch above bark level, not to eat, just to CHEW OFF! Fortunately, my new spikes were late in emergence this year, or I would have lost my entire season. However, many of the centers of the new growths were pulled out, leaving pockets where rot started. Another problem to solve with fungicides and sterile razor blades!
I tried every squirrel deterrent I could when it started and finally reverted to the Have-a-Hart traps. Caught and relocated five squirrels the size of small racoons! The problem was solved for the time being, as the acorn crop came into full maturity at about the same time, but the damage had been done.
Only next year will tell if there are other squirrels with the acquired taste for new Cym growths but I definitely plan to be ready for them, even if I have to resort to a .22!