Here's the latest from my monster phal--
Sporting two spikes now, the second one is well under way.
And a most recent pic of the monster phal's two new blooms.
And here is my Sogo cross, also sporting two spikes. This one has miniature flowers that are all veiny/striped and I'm told when the plant is healthy and mature, sports loads of long-lasting flowers. Lets hope so!
Here's Pauline with her sideways (for now) spike. It grew under a leaf and is having to make its way out.
A white NOID, with an interesting spike... its a weird-looking one. The plant is doing very well in s/h but I don't remember its spike looking so odd.
This is Phal. 'Ember'-- sporting a new leaf as she slowly gets settled into s/h.
Same type of plant as the above, but this one has been in sphag in a bag for going on three months with no roots and no new ones to speak of. Yet, she grows a new leaf. Not sure what to make of this-- any advice? She's being kept warm and humid/moist.
Brand new mini phal-- NOID and No idea of the color--
but it is a very healthy little bugger. Not sure of its roots entirely but it looks like they just need some air and some even moisture. Actually, I got two...hehe..
Once again I'd like to thank all the great members here on the forum, who without their knowledge and willingness-- even JOY-- of spreading their knowledge I would not be nearly as lucky/successful at growing these rewarding plants. Thanks guys!!!!