Potting mixes...
Walmart sells a good chunky blend of bark charchoal and perlite.
Lowes sells better-gro brand mix. They have 3 kinds, phal mix, special mix and bark mix. I've bought all three and I like the special mix the best.
If you want really good mix, you should go to
Quarter Acre Orchids offering the best selection of orchid supplies online!
They have the best stuff.
Repot it in a clear pot. and don't water it again until the condensation inside the pot can't be seen anymore. That is a really good way to know when to water again.
Make sure your leaves are nice and clean too. It looks as if you have some hard water stains on the leaves. If they are clean they'll do better, I think.
Go through the root system and cut off all mushy and brown roots. Remove all of the old sphagnum moss. That stuff will kill your plant if you water it often.
DO NOT USE MIRACLE GRO MIX - I made that mistake a couple of years back. It might as well be soil, that stuff will suffocate your roots.
Keep your plant somewhere where it gets indirect sun light and you'll have blooms for years to come! Then you'll catch the bug, and you will forever have orchids in your house!
Good luck.